Believe it or not, your family elf recently wrote us and said they wanted to come to church with you on December 10. We thought we'd make it a bit more fun with a competition.

Prizes will be given away for the most creative and festive way of bringing your elf to church with you. Parents, as your elves join us, be careful not to ruin the magic!

At the start of service, your elves will be shown off to the rest of the church and our judges - parade style. If you are bringing your elf and want to be part of the contest, please arrive by 10:15am, ready to get lined up.

After our contest, our Bridge Kids (toddlers and up) will sing two Christmas songs for us before they head to their classrooms for the rest of the day.  

Special Note: All Bridge Kids are to check in normally in the lobby but remain in service downstairs with your family until dismissed.

To get signed up for the elf on the shelf contest, click here

If you have questions about Elf on the Shelf or Childrens Choir Email